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Ben discusses what is arguably the most important dystopian fiction of our century: 1984 by the great George Orwell.

Travel to the Holy Land and immerse yourself in the story of an American nurse and Israeli freedom fighter caught up in a heartbreaking and triumphant era.

Saddle up and ride with Ben as he takes you through the wild west of Jack Schaefer’s masterpiece, Shane.

Join Ben for a whale of a literary adventure as we explore Herman Melville’s iconic sea-faring tale and Great American Novel.

Dive into one of the most influential fantasy novels ever written and explore the story of King Arthur with Ben.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and it was one of the most pivotal events in modern history: The French Revolution.

Discover why Mark Twain’s masterpiece is one of the single greatest expressions of the American personality in literature.

Read between the theological lines of C.S. Lewis’ classic masterpiece and religious satire, penned from the POV of a demon serving in the bureaucracy of Hell.

Joineth Ben for a discussion of Shakespeare’s epic tragedy about an aging, foolish ruler (*cough cough*) and his descent into madness.

Discover dystopia in Aldous Huxley’s 1932 classic set in a manipulative and oppressive World State.

Rally with Ben as he recounts the theatrical rise of charismatic and populist governor, Willie Stark in Robert Penn Warren’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.

Follow Ben to the rich farmland of the Salinas Valley and reap his insight into Nobel Prize winner East of Eden.

Get Ben’s Member-Exclusive In-Depth Notes

Like any high achieving student, Ben made sure to take copious notes while reading each month’s book. Not only does Ben’s Notes dive into his thoughts, opinions, and analysis, but he also summarizes the novels and provides the historical context of the author and story.

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As somebody who is trying to get published as an author, I appreciate you giving novels and classic stories a spotlight in today’s society. Not many people today appreciate the value of literature and the stories of history.


I love my Daily Wire subscription and Ben’s Book Club is the best part!


Ben Shapiro’s Book Club got me interested in reading again. I picked up George Orwells 1984 last week and will either watch Ben's episode or read a chapter and watch a summary so I have a better understanding of what I’m reading. Definitely worth the time.


Ben Shapiro is in a class all by himself. I love love love this book club and his insightful reviews. I learn so so much! Thank you, Ben!


Ben Shapiro is one of the brilliant thinkers of our times. His book club is excellent. Of course Leon Uris’s Exodus is one of my all time favorite books I’ve read—I’ve read it at least 3 times now. It was fun to re-read it and listen to Ben’s astute analysis while overlooking the skyline of Jerusalem.


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Experience Classic Literature Like Never Before

Take part in a master class for historically significant novels with Ben Shapiro. Watch as Ben gives you a deep dive into classics like 1984, Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn and more!

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Everything in Insider Annual

Hang out with your favorite hosts during private Q&A streams

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